Just a few hours ago, I received confirmation from the producers of The Doug Stephan “Good Day” radio program that they are going to have me as a guest on the show tomorrow morning (Thursday December 14th). The show broadcasts live coast to coast in 425 cities across the nation. Here in Sacramento my segment will air from approximately 5:30 – 6:00 am on KSAC-AM TalkCity 1240. It will also be airing live on the East Coast from 8:30 – 9:00 am. If you’d like to find out what station will air it near you, you can find out at: http://dougstephan.com/wheresdoug.cfm
If it doesn’t air in your area (or if you’re still asleep!)- not to worry. The show is archived to the Internet immediately after it broadcasts, so you can listen to it anytime you want at: http://dougstephan.com/listen.cfm
I’ll be in the fifth (and last) hour of the program. I’ll be interviewed via phone (from here in Sacramento) and they’ll be playing tracks from my popular Christmas CD, “Frosty The Stickman”. I’m very excited for this wonderful opportunity and I hope you’ll be able to tune in during the broadcast or hear the interview later on the Internet. Thanks, Doug! Ho Ho Ho and a Merry Christmas to you all from Frosty The Stickman!