I am flabbergasted, floored, gratified and humbled by the outpouring of support from all of you that I have received this morning. Late last night, I sent an email to everyone on my email list, asking for your support regarding my performances in the Old Sacramento historical district. Recently I received a letter from Old Sacramento Management that informed me they wish to revoke my Performer permit (that I have held continously since July 2003) at the end of the year because (I’m guessing…) they think I just no longer “fit in” over there. They want a 100% 1850’s Gold Rush look and they are trying to get rid of anything they think is out-of-place. Obviously, The Chapman Stick did not exist in 1850, so that must be – ME!
This morning my inbox was filled with so many letters of support, I can’t count them. I’ve been reading for hours and hours and I still haven’t gotten to the bottom of the list and more keep pouring in. I am truly, sincerely and profoundly moved to the bottom of my heart! Some of the letters are so beautiful and eloquent, I was literally moved to tears (of joy!). I really had no idea how much some of you enjoy my music on The Stick and I feel like one of the luckiest people on Earth. I feel so fortunate to have met you and it makes me feel humble to know that my music has enriched your life, in some small way. Please accept my deepest appreciation and gratitude. You are best friends and fans that anyone could ever hope for. I’ll keep up the good fight with “City Hall” (OSM) and I’ll keep you posted on my progress. Again- thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have touched my heart.