Michael Kollwitz

Speaker, Author, 
Chapman Stick® 
Recording Artist


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0 Responses to Listen to Single from “Suntan Lady” CD

  • Man Michael there is nothing else like it. This track is unbelievably sensual. Tweeted this awesome tune.

  • Wonderful song. Enjoyed listening to it. May buy the album.

    Thanks for sharing this with us,

    Cliff Jones

  • See you in Maui in November!


  • Hey, you’re great! I hear the waves in your music. Please tell “Mika” Hi for me and Cia. We are homesick for Maui , it has been a very hot summer. I wanted to play at the “Grill’ with him but we had to depart..weep.

0 Responses to Maui Sunset Song (new FREE video)

  • What a joy it is to receive your emails, especially today, it’s 20 degrees and we haven’t seen the sun in 7 days!!! Loved the song and the SUNSET — looking forward to that new CD. God willin’ we’ll be back in April 2011.

    Mahalo for your emails keep ’em coming. See ya, next year. Bev
    Arlington Heights, IL

  • We love to get emails from you. Loved the Christmas Eve song. Thank You! We are homesick for Maui and the Banyon Tree. We are planning a trip soon! We will find where you are playing! Thank You!

  • Hi Michael,

    I am a friend of Alex Nordstrom and he introduced me to the Chapman Stick and I have explored stick.com. He recently sent me your Christmas Eve Maui Sunset song. I loved it. I also saw (and posted on Facebook) your beach performance. I loved sending it to friends and relatives who live in snowy areas for a mini vacation.

    I will keep in touch,
    Brad Callahan